The ABC Zebra Assassin
Random X-Man Story
As the X-man blasted out of the apex in his Contour, he rushed into the fjord of the river. He then lost control of his ludicrous car, and ran into and blew up McWendyculverking. The clock was ticking down, and X-man was running out of Tragedies to make up. He then turned into a transformer robot and blew up Room 200 in the ACMS, killing no one. Using a remote control ducky, (armed with grenades) he infiltrated the Secretive East German Pokemon Battle Castle, he then accidentally, blew up a historical Jontun. The full-of-expletives-ducky swore at his clumsiness and ran away from a Pikachu, zapping the ducky's tail with lightning bolts and short circuiting the communications array on it. The ducky then became mutant, and grew to be the size of a skyscraper. He then got mad at his Peanut butter-jam-jelly-twizzler sandwich and threw it at a Jedi Master. The Jedi got distracted, and got sliced in half by the Sith he was fighting. He then went to the Veni Vedi Veci Store and bought an atomic bomb and threw it at the Indian people watching TV lethargically in their zoned out space in the world. He then went to the store, stole a couch, and climbed to the summit of Mt Everest. He then at maximum speed, fell asleep forever.
As the young man
walked along the dusty trail, he noticed something amiss. Back behind him, someone was creeping up on
him. Creeping very, very slowly. Daggers came into his hands, fast as
lightning, and the creeper put them against the man's neck.
"Enough of
this!" the man being attacked said.
said the assassin. Growing bigger, he picked the man up, and threw him as far
as he could into the horizon. "Hahahahaha!" he said. "I am so
strong and powerful!"
Jokingly, he picked
up a thirty foot wide boulder and broke it into the shape of a smiley face.
"Killing people is bad," he thought. "Let's go fix the man I
just threw into the horizon," he told his brain.
Moments later, he
reached the man and put his limbs and body back together. "No time to
waste," he thought. "Only a person of my talent could do something
like that. Perhaps I'll do that some more."
Quickly, he ran to
Japan and "fixed" all the poor and "broken" people there.
"Reaching out to the world is a great feeling!" he thought. Super dee
duper feelings rushed through his body,
making him feel great. "Trials and tribulations are sometimes good things
to have," he said. "Until I feel evil again, perhaps I'll rest up in
New Zealand." Vaccinated with the flu, he flew to New Zealand.
"What will I do
with the house I have to build?" he asked himself. Xylophones started to
randomly rain out of the sky and one hit him on the head. "You're so
stupid!" he told the xylophone. Zebras then leaped out of the xylophone
and pounded him into a mountain.
As the X-man blasted out of the apex in his Contour, he rushed into the fjord of the river. He then lost control of his ludicrous car, and ran into and blew up McWendyculverking. The clock was ticking down, and X-man was running out of Tragedies to make up. He then turned into a transformer robot and blew up Room 200 in the ACMS, killing no one. Using a remote control ducky, (armed with grenades) he infiltrated the Secretive East German Pokemon Battle Castle, he then accidentally, blew up a historical Jontun. The full-of-expletives-ducky swore at his clumsiness and ran away from a Pikachu, zapping the ducky's tail with lightning bolts and short circuiting the communications array on it. The ducky then became mutant, and grew to be the size of a skyscraper. He then got mad at his Peanut butter-jam-jelly-twizzler sandwich and threw it at a Jedi Master. The Jedi got distracted, and got sliced in half by the Sith he was fighting. He then went to the Veni Vedi Veci Store and bought an atomic bomb and threw it at the Indian people watching TV lethargically in their zoned out space in the world. He then went to the store, stole a couch, and climbed to the summit of Mt Everest. He then at maximum speed, fell asleep forever.
The ABC Zebra Assassin- This piece was very interesting. It was a very descriptive piece, but I didn't get the point of this piece. Was there something that helped you come up with this idea?