Wednesday, February 8, 2012

All Summer In a Day

Author's Note: For the literature group, we were asked to do a literary analysis for the short story "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. I am focusing on organization.

In the story "All Summer in a Day", Ray Bradbury make Margot an isolated character and sets her apart from the rest of the group. There is a difference between being different and just being isolated. Margo is different, but makes herself even more different by isolating herself and acting strangely. While it's alright to be different, it is good to go with the flow sometimes as to not isolate yourself from the real world.

In the story, Margot acts like a canary in a coal mine-- warns people of things to come almost like an Oracle from ancient Greece. In the scene in the shower, she recognizes she is different from the other kids. "And once, a month ago, she had refused to shower in the school shower rooms, had clutched her hands to her ears and over her head, screaming the water mustn’t touch her head ...  … dimly, dimly, she sensed it, she was different and they knew her difference and kept away. " She senses she is different and takes that difference the wrong way. She should have used it to help everyone else, but didn't.

On the flip side of the coin, she isolated herself throughout the story when she could have easily avoided any conflict by not acting super creepily. At the beginning, she writes a poem about the sun, prominently displaying her differences how she was on Earth and remembered the Sun and isolating herself even further. Other examples, like being on Earth for four years, set her apart even more when she talked about the sun only to have people call her a liar and make fun of her.

Margot could have turned her life around easily, and was given many opportunities to do so. She made the mistake of completely isolating herself and making her life miserable. For example, she could have not wrote a poem, and not talked about the sun. Margot should have just acted like a normal kid and she would have been fine. If there weren't any screaming in the shower, there would have been no problems. There are so many examples of isolation in this book, it's pretty sad how Margot acted and disrespected herself. In the end, she was completely alienated.

Don't isolate yourself like Margot did, for it will make you and everyone else much happier. It would be disrespecting yourself and the human race. You'll be able to have friends, interact with people, and have fun. Just don't do weird things like Margot did and you'll be just fine.


  1. I thought it was cool how you used examples like "a canary in a coal mine" it made it more easy to picture what is going on.

  2. You know, I really enjoyed the use of metaphor. They appear seamlessly to support your point, and don't stand out like gimmicks. Also, in this piece, you strike a good balance between what you want to say in application, with text evidence. Well done. Also, the conclusion is right on target with what a conclusion should be.

  3. I forgot, try to be more specific in the author's notes. really use the language that matches the techniques and devices you are employing.
